In one of the first three wheel "All Terrain Vehicle" cases to
receive national attention, nine-year old Wendy Molitor was paralyzed
when she fell off an
ATV on which she was riding as a passenger. The settlement was reported to
be the largest for a case of its kind, and the United States Department
of Justice credited McClellan Law Firm with being instrumental in getting
the three-wheel All Terrain Vehicles banned from sale in the U.S.
$25,360,000Product Defect and Negligence
$15,771,234Amy Ringdahl vs. Alvarado Hospital Medical Center, Inc. and Rafael Garcia
$14,000,000Bicycle Death Case
$12,500,000Legal Malpractice
“I swear they work 24/7! And most importantly, we knew that they truly cared about us and the outcome. They fought for our family and have given us the piece of mind that our son's healthcare will always be covered.”